Golang Key Value Bolt DB

Kevin FOO
2 min readJan 4, 2021

In my previous story on Go/Golang concurrent map, I was saving my data in a non persistent variable where all the data saved will be lost if I kill my Go/Golang process.

I stumble upon a key value database named Bolt which codes I had simplified. Integrating these below into the concurrent map example I should get a persistent concurrent map.

To install Bolt DB, run the command below

go get github.com/boltdb/bolt

Simplified codes below

package main

import (

const b = "MyBucket"

func main() {
db := open("my.db")
defer db.Close()

set(db, b, "love", "golang")
v := get(db, b, "love")
fmt.Printf("I love %s\n", v)

func open(file string) *bolt.DB {
db, err := bolt.Open(file, 0600, &bolt.Options{Timeout: 1 * time.Second})
if err != nil {
//handle error
return db

func set(db *bolt.DB, bucket, key, value string) {
db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b, _ := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(bucket))
err := b.Put([]byte(key), []byte(value))
return err

func get(db *bolt.DB, bucket, key string) string {
s := ""
db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket))
s = string(b.Get([]byte(key)))
return nil
return s

func del(db *bolt.DB, bucket, key string) {
db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket))
return nil

Function names are pretty much self explanatory.

Open(file) — opens the database file saving the persistent data.

Set(database, bucket, key, value) —sets the value in the key in its respective database and bucket. A database can have multiple unique buckets, and a bucket can have multiple unique keys.

Get(database, bucket, key) — gets the value in the key in its respective database and bucket.

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Kevin FOO

A software engineer, a rock climbing, inline skating enthusiast, a husband, a father.