Steam Egg

Kevin FOO
Feb 16, 2022


Items / ingredients

  • 3 eggs
  • 300ml warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of chicken stock
  • 2 bowls
  • 1 sieve
  • 1 bigger plate or cling wrap


  1. Crack the eggs into bowl and beat it slowly to prevent bubble = (E)
  2. Add salt and chicken stock into warm water and stir = (W)
  3. Mix (E) and (W) together = (M)
  4. Pour (M) through sieve = (S)
  5. Heat up the water in pot/wok for steaming
  6. Cover (S) with plate or wrap with cling wrap to prevent water dripping in
  7. Steam with slowest fire for 10 minutes.

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Kevin FOO
Kevin FOO

Written by Kevin FOO

A software engineer, a rock climbing, inline skating enthusiast, a husband, a father.

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